Determined individual for self and peer improvement
As a software developer, I love problem solving and like to create anything that would bring any amount of impact to others. Whether or not that impact is very miniscule or not, I make sure anything that I am involved with is up to as high standards as possible while having the mindset to be improve.
I aspire to be the best software engineer possible. No matter the situation I keep in mind to be consistent in who I am and everything I set my mind on. Always up for self and peer improvement no matter the scale. Anything significant wasn't built in a day, so my philosophy is to be as dependable as possible to build and improve one small step at a time.
Nixs Image Finder
An image search website with custom spell checking algorithm
- Technologies used were React, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5
- React Hooks and Context API used for modularity and app level global state
- Custom word search correcting algorithm to guess incorrectly spelled words
- Completed in the span of two days for a challenge
Nixs Site
Personal food image blog website to allow for creation of posts and sharing of thoughts and pictures from restaurants.
- Technologies used were React, Node.js, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5
- Hosted website on AWS EC2 instance and PostgreSQL database on RDS instance
- Google maps to allow for location pinning of visited restaurants
- Infinite Scrolling for different posts and carousel for multiple images per post
Mobile application to help users decide on a restaurant near their location.
- Written in React Native
- Created and cultivated in a span of 3 weeks
- Calls 3 REST APIs
- IOS and Android compatibility
A web application of the popular card game, Uno.
- Node.js Back End
- EJS Front End
- Bootstrap styling
- Express server
- PostgreSQL as the SQL relational database
- for in game chat
- Passport for login, sign up, and authentication
A mobile application to allow users to buy tickets to events with cryptocurrencies.
- Written in React Native
- Won 3 awards at SF hacks, 'Best Beginner Hack', 'Best Use of Dash API', 'Best Mobile Hack'
- Created within a span of 24 hours
A mobile application to allow for organizing and gathering people for events with messages.
- Written in React Native
- Designed a mock ups and created the UI of the mobile app
An mobile app that displays a random pokemon and its information. The generation of the random range can be changed through the settings.
- Written in React Native
- Designed a mock ups and created the UI of the mobile app
Daug is a social network for pets.
- Created in React Native
- IOS and Android compatibility
- Connects to a Heroku Back End server
Gator Realtor
A website to allow people to buy and sell homes.
- Node.js Back End
- Handlebars Front End
- Bootstrap styling
- Express server
- MySQL as the relation database
- Passport for login, sign up, and authentication
Tank Wars
A top down two player shooter game.
- Written in Java
- Used design patters such as, MVC, Observer, Visitor, Singleton
- Worked with Java Swing
- Created a reusable game engine
Get Lazarus Out Of The Pit
A single player puzzle game.
- Written in Java
- Used design patters such as, MVC, Observer, Visitor, Singleton
- Reused code and modules from a previous project
- Worked with Java Swing
Web Server
A simple web server written in Java.
- Able to handle simple http request such as GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
- Learned the inner workings and control flow of a web server
A portfolio website about me, Nicholas Szeto.
- Modular components which displays dynamically generated data
- Created with Next.js
- React Front End
- HTML5 semantic tags
- Custom CSS3 styling
PINC Mentor
- Mentored a team of three biology students to design, plan, and implement a web application used to predict parent cats’ offspring traits.
- Facilitated weekly meetings to discuss current progress, reflect on problems encountered, and plans for future work.
- Provided suggestions, direction, and both emotional and technical support to the team when desired plans do not proceed as expected or when unforeseen events occur.
Instructional Student Assistant
- Taught a supplementary Introduction to Programming with Java lab to a classroom of thirty students.
- Developed weekly lesson plans and assignments to enforce a better understanding of introductory programming concepts (variables, control flow, basic data types, object-oriented programming).
- Emphasized good programming practices throughout the semester to help students become better developers.
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Magna Cum Laude
- GPA: 3.79